
Five Key Topics from Mexican President-Elect’s Letter to President Trump!

On July 1, 2018, the Mexican people elected a new President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador! The next day he spoke by phone with President Trump. Just this past Sunday, July 22nd, he and the White House, together released a copy of the letter López Obrador sent to President Trump as a follow-up.

Here are five key topics from the seven page letter sent by Mexican President-Elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador to President Trump:

  1. “There will be many changes, Mr. President Trump.”
  2. “Regarding migration, I must comment that the most essential purpose of my government will be to ensure that Mexicans do not have to migrate because of poverty or violence.”
  3. “The migration problem should be addressed in a comprehensive manner, through a development plan that includes the Central American countries, where millions of inhabitants do not have job opportunities and are forced to leave their villages to seek a better life and mitigate their hunger and poverty.”
  4. “In the matter of trade, I think it is worth making an effort to conclude the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.”
  5. “Mr. President Trump, I await your comments on my approach that seeks to reach a friendly understanding and mutual respect with you, with your people and with the great nation that you represent.”


For more detailed information, please review the complete letter linked below. I have included a link to both the original Spanish version of the letter and the English translation.

Spanish Version of Letter (PDF)

English translate of Letter (PDF)



Source of Information:

Pacific Standard, 7/23/18, News Article:

Five Key Takeaways From the Letter Mexico’s New President Sent to Trump


Bloomberg, 7/22/18, News Article:

Mexico’s AMLO Calls for Nafta Agreement in Letter to Trump

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