
US Judge Blocks Biden Deportation Freeze

A federal judge in Texas has temporarily blocked the new Biden administration’s 100-day moratorium on deportations! Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton sued the Biden administration last week. He is arguing that the moratorium violated federal law and an agreement he signed with the Trump administration. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton, a Trump appointee in the Southern District of Texas, issued a temporary restraining order that blocks the policy nationwide for 14 days. The administration has appealed the ruling!

For complete details, please review Reuters News Article, “US Judge Blocks Deportation Freeze in Swift Setback for Biden”.



Source of Information:

Reuters, 1/27/21, News Article:

US Judge Blocks Deportation Freeze in Swift Setback for Biden


NBC News, , News Article:

Biden’s 100-day deportation ban blocked by judge

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